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Global Geography 12

Unit I: Geography Portal (here) Course Outline (here)

The Population unit is designed to appeal to the student's own conscience in order to generate an understanding of compassion and responsibility that we all poses. Our responsibility as human beings must be directed at the least fortunate, recognizing in ourselves that many of the solutions desperately needed are innate, and easily access    ed. The stumbling block preventing global equality is action - not reaction. This solution is a journey that we can promote through individual efforts. Global Geography's Unit I is an opportunity to recognize the human need for change (equality), a role all must be a part of.


  • February 9: Second Introduction and Elements of a Map (see notes)
    Mapped the earth from memory
    Discussed Unit I: Population and the Census.
  • February 10: Introduction to Mapping.
    Know that all mapping assignments are graded according to the criteria listed on this page:
    Maps. You will need to know this list for the remainder of the semester.
    Apply your Atlas knowledge in this Introduction (here). Use the atlas to identify each of the unique properties requested and submit when you have completed the activity.
  • February 11: Wrap up of the map activity.
  • February 12: Demographics and The Census.
    Making Sense of the Census (here)
    What is infrastructure? China's Ghost cities, urban development (here)
  • February 13: Storm Day
  • February 16: Civic Holiday
  • February 17: Storm Day
  • February 18: Census Studies - wrap up.
    Discussion of the impact of an aging population, taxes and why the census has inaccuracies. What happens if you delay the age of retirement? Read (here)
    Growth of population centers without adequate planning: (video), (article).
  • February 19: Population Studies
    Rate of Natural Increase, Replacement Rate.
  • February 20: Population Pyramids
    Infant Mortality and measuring the health of a population.
  • February 23: Population Pyramids and Standard of Living
    Article of the day (here) D - LD - LLD categories.
  • February 24: No class - Fear Factor.
  • February 25: Demographic Transition Model
    Baby Boomers were not created by just WW2 vetrans!
  • February 26: PQLI System: Measuring Populations
    Students will develop a basic tool for measuring overall a population's health and wellness (here)
  • March 2: PQLI Wrap up.
  • March 3: Storm day
  • March 4: Sicko (here)
  • March 5: Sicko - the wrap up.
    PQLI activities are due.
  • March 6: Health and Populations: Obamacare
    Weekend Homework: Mapping Activity (here)
  • March 9: Gender Equity
    China's Dying Room, Turkey's Second class citizens (The Story of Fatima Varden, and Mustafa Seven).
    FGM (here)
  • March 10: Child Soldiers (Emmanuel Jal: Emma) Personal Interview (here)
    Kony 2012
  • March 11: Human Rights Violations
    Coltan Mining in the Congo (part 1, part 2). After watching the YouTube video, reflect of the video by identifying how it is that the rich (northern) world is responsible for this social injustice. Provide thought and detail as you supply a 300 word response identifying the issues that are rampant.
  • March 12: Unit I: Test
  • March 13: Barry Commoner Four laws of Ecology (here)
    Second Period: Blood Diamond (here) - enjoy!

Unit II: Food Resources:

The Food resource Unit is an important investigation for all students to undertake in GGS 12 as it demonstrates several misconceptions that are unfairly believed by the vast majority of the Developed World: That the Earth has reached it's carrying capacity. Unit II demonstrates that the current population is hampered by both Equality and Equity. Investigation during this unit will show that Food Insecurity is not a result of a strained system, but rather a corrupt one.

Unit II: Agriculture Portal (here)

  • March 23: Introduction to the Unit II material: Staples discussed focusing on Rice.
  • March 24: Economics of Farming: World Bank, Poverty, inequality, and IRRI.
  • March 25: Food Resources map on caloric intake
  • March 26: Submit map, watch Food Inc. (here)
    Article for discussion (here)
  • March 27: Wrap up of film and discussion
  • March 30: Green Revolution
  • March 31: STORMDAY
  • April 1: Food Resources, Wheat resources and Poverty.
    Two videos were presented in class contrasting a reality between the rich and the poor.
    Video #1 (here), then Video #2 (here).

    Part II: A Dollar a Day (here). Homework: respond to the video: A Dollar a Day (here) by identifying the issues that you consider to be the most significant from this source.
  • April 2: What is Hunger presentation (here)
  • April 7: Continued work on Hunger presentation (here)
  • April 8: How to use APA (here)
  • April 9: Post Health Fair - Wheat and Corn review
  • April 10: Cassava and Root vegetables, Hunger Cycle assignment.
  • April 13: Farming Inputs: Irrigation, fertilizer, pesticide use, crop rotation.
  • April 14: Beginning Farming inputs.
  • April 15: Last of the farming inputs
  • April 16: Test Day!
  • April 17: Mental Health day!

Unit III: Water and Environmental Resources: Water Portal (here)

In the Third Unit, both Water and Environmental resources will be investigated at the same time due to their interrelated nature (excuse the pun). There is no doubt that many elements of life are secured by the United Nations as undeniable Human Rights: Food, education, civil liberties are three guaranteed rights promised by international law. Why is water not a human right also? Students will be introduced to the diabolical issue of commmodification and how water is viewed as the next oil, as NATO recognizes that the next series of wars will be fought for access to this precious resource

  • April 20: Introduction to the unit.
    North American activity - in notes.
  • April 21: Commidification of Water and Human Rights.
    April 22: Water and business: Bechtel example.
  • April 23: Parent Teacher
  • April 24: Complete Water Map. Due today (here)
  • April 27: Overfishing - species at risk
    Plastic removal from the oceans (here)
  • April 28: Crypto zoology: Megladon?
  • April 29: Fresh Water Resources - Lake Water, and Lake Vostok
  • April 30: Water Pollution - Classifications. (Watch this! here), (Then watch this: here)
  • May 4: Global Warming Causes - in notes.
  • May 5: Global warming Effects - also in notes
    Special CBC Antarctic Ice melt (here)
  • May 6: Map #2
    Supplementary reading: CBC Ice Melt & Weather change. Include a half page summary of the article's contents as an attachment to the current map activity (article: here).
  • May 7: Global Warming Effects.
  • May 11: Basic Atmospheric Circulation Concepts
  • May 12: Carbon Capture and Sequestering.
  • May 13: Test
    Essay Question:  During this unit many pieces of evidence have been presented to you in relation to Global Warming and our connection to this phenomena. What is your personal opinion on Global Warming, and what we as global citizens should be doing about it?

Unit IV: Energy Resources: Energy Portal (here) Renewable Energy Portal (here)

Students of GGS 12 will be introduced to the key concept of renewable resources and the immediate need for this energy source. Hubbert's Peak Oil Theory has been dismissed as by both industrial and scientific communities as nothing more than speculation. However, we are painfully aware that Commoner has had his environmental research accepted as law, even though that his unofficial law states that everything has limits. Why then does the global community continue to operate in a fashion that is widely accepted as being environmentally harmful, expensive, and corrupt? There are options that can contribute to a healthy future, but apparently not will to do so. Why?

  • May 14: Introduction to the Energy Unit
    Energy Presentation (here), slide show layout (here)
  • May 15: Student Presentation time on computers.
  • May 19: Energy Project work
    Required reading (here)
  • May 20: MADD presentation.
  • May 21: Investigation on Energy: Why is this energy unit so important?
    Who Killed the Electric Car? (here) or (here)
    Homework: Watch the other film: A Crude Awakening (here).
  • May 22: Oil Spills (here) and Student project work.
  • May 25: Project Work.
  • May 26: BP Deep Water Water Horizon (here), in-depth resource (here)

Unit V: Economic Resources: Economic Portal (here)

Once again, the issue of equality and equity will be investigated as students in GGS 12 will have an opportunity to view the topic of global economies. Throughout the semester GSG 12 has allowed students to compare and contrast resource bases, governments, environmental issued in an attempt at allowing students to recognize that we need to change. What causes the increasing distance between the haves and the have-nots(globally speaking)? Why is it that global inequality continues to worsen, even though money, support and help has been provided?

  • June 2: Introduction
  • June 3: Capitalism, A love Story (here)
  • June 4: Economic Types: Command, Market and Mixed
    Musical interlude (here) - a must watch!
    Graduate commencement speech (here)
  • June 8: Mapping Activity
  • June 9: Saying so long, not good bye, and Exam Format.
  • June 10: Complete the map activity (ignore the CIDA question #13). But most importantly, watch Story of Stuff (here). For homework, students are asked to offer their opinion of the message presented (not the art work). There is a lot of thought that this can generate about how you live, work, and spend.
  • June 11: Please read Unit V Notes Slides #17-26 (these) will be important.
    You have the Story of Stuff, and a simulation to play with!
  • June 12: Welcome to the TPP (here)
    Read the article on the TPP, and identify what this article considers to be the greatest threat. What are you opinions on this? Is it a clear concern, or do you feel that there is a bit of over-reaction happening?
    If you find the TPP an interesting concept and have extra time - or need extra wok please read this article (also from Vice). The topic content discussed by Vice is a staple in this unit. Student response: tie this content you have read into the GGS 12 course. I would really spend some time on this. More to follow. (click to read)
  • June 15: The Venezuelan Bolivar - drop in value (read here)
    Then, once you have a working understanding of inflation, read the following article (click here) and prepare a response outlining general and specific effects of inlfation.
    Do not know how to apply this knowledge to current economic concerns? Then it is all Greek to me! Students should be encouraged to read this article.
  • June 16:
    1. Multiple choice: Mimio device! 1 Point each. The questions will be drawn from all units: population, Food, Water, Energy, and economics.
    2. Short Answer: written, point form, diagrammatic responses allowed. Each will have 3 points or so. Will be limited to the energy unit, or economics unit.
    3. Map question (about the world) Blank map will be supplied - remember the 10 points!
    4. Essay Section. One question, general topic will be supplied on-line. Has something to do with women.s